The t20 hyper & t20 hyper xt are tunnel tents with 2 and 3 poles respectively. These were launched in 2013 and are current styles.
There are two different pole specifications. Tents made in 2013 & 3014 have Yunan poles. All tents manufactured after this date have DAC poles. The poles have identifying brand markings on the end sections.
Please check your pole against the drawings above and technical specifications below before ordering. All dimensions are given in mm.
Please note that the price of the Yunan poles is £25 and for the DAC poles is £30 (VAT included), plus delivery charge. So, two poles, for example, will cost £50 (Yunan) and £60 (DAC) etc.
Individual sections for the Yunan poles can be purchased from a separate page.
t20 hyper & hyper xt